Mercedes-Benz LS 2638 Canaviero for GTA San Andreas

October 19, 2016
11:36 pm
 1351  3

Authors: Neeee, Ariel, BR_Projects

Sometimes it is good to get behind the wheel of the truck-tractor and drive into the sunset on the high road! Having the tractor Mercedes-Benz LS 2638 Canaviero for GTA San Andreas, you will be able to do this. It has great advantages - easy to use and good-looking, fast and ready for the carriage of heavy loads at least right now. The mod is designed very qualitative - there are small details that are worked out perfectly, so, do not hesitate and install the mod.

The Mercedes-Benz LS 2638 Canaviero mod for GTA San Andreas can be downloaded by following the link on this page. The installation of the mod is carried out by a special program.